Indoor air quality: tips for any season

The challenge of maintaining good indoor quality throughout the entire year is unique. We’ll give you tips on how to improve the indoor air in each season. Visit what is air quality index before reading this.

Spring: Allergen Management

Spring is often marked by higher pollen counts. Use air purifiers and keep windows and door closed on days with high levels of pollen.

Air filters should be cleaned and replaced regularly to reduce allergens.

Summer: How to manage humidity

A high humidity level can cause mold and discomfort. Maintain humidity levels between 30-50% using dehumidifiers.

It is important to maintain your system, which can assist in dehumidifying the indoor air.

Fall: Preparing for Allergens

The fall can lead to an increase of indoor allergens, such as dust mites. Vacuum regularly with a HEPA vacuum and wash your bedding and curtains.

The cooler temperatures can bring indoor allergens.

Winter heating and ventilation

Maintain good ventilation throughout the winter. To remove air pollutants from kitchens, bathrooms and other areas of the home, open windows and exhaust fans.

Make sure your heating is maintained and clean to avoid the release of pollutants such as carbon monoxide.

Year-Round Tips:

Avoid smoking in the house, regardless of the season. This will prevent harmful indoor pollutants from being released.

Improve indoor air with air purifiers that have HEPA filters.

To reduce allergens, dust and particle accumulation in your home regularly.

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